HoofTrader, the economical avenue for small ruminant producers to market their livestock and get the most bang for their buck (or doe, or ewe…) The goal is a direct marketing tool that can connect and serve small ruminant producers and their customers throughout the Southeastern US.
All classified ads are available for $10 for 30 days. Ads may be posted longer, but must be paid in advance at an additional $10 for 30 day listing rate. All ads are accompanied with promotion on the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office Facebook page.
Items that can be sold on HoofTrader must fit into the following categories:
•Livestock- Goat and/or Sheep
• Services
•Guardian Animals
HoofTrader Classified Ad
You may add up to 3 photos. Any more than 3 and they will be deleted. Each image must be less than 1 MB in file size. The photo should be no larger than 1024 pixels x 768 pixels. You cannot add or edit images after the classified is posted. Email photos to kyates@kysheepandgoat.org