You can now be a member of both the KGPA and KSWPA for a reduced price- $50. The dual membership provides all the same benefits of the individual, but saves you money.
Benefits of Membership are:
Receive the annual KY Sheep and Goat Management Calendar(please note that hard copy supplies are gone and you will receive an electronic version)
Free Standard Listing in Breeders Directory
Free Record Keeping System
Monthly webinars on production topics
Becoming part of a unified voice for all goat ans sheep producers
Network with producers to receive access to information, breeding stock, etc.
In-the-know for changes in the industry
Be represented in the Kentucky Farm Bureau Small Ruminant Commodity Group, Livestock Coalition, and much more.
Membership to ASI and the ASI Newsletter (American Sheep Industry)
Note- All memberships purchased after Oct 1st will be credited to the next year.