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All currrent KGPA, KSWPA and Dual Members receive the Standard Breeder Directory Listing. But, you may be looking for more ways to market at a reasonable price. The Platinum or Gold upgrades may help provide what you need.


Platinum Upgrade- $180/yr:

  • Include your farm logo with your Breeder Directory Listing. You are not only creating a herd/flock, you are creating a brand. Have your farm logo next to your listing so that potential customers will automatically recognize your brand (farm). 

  • 4 Breeder Ads in the KGPA/KSWPA Association E-Newsletter. This newsletter is sent to all association members each month, meaning you are hitting a direct target audience of people who will be looking for replacement stock each year. Ads will be rotated monthly within the newsletter.

  • Receive Facebook promotion on the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office Facebook page. Our Facebook page has a tremendous following and has proven to provide sales for producers over and over again. 

  • Free HoofTrader Listing


Gold Upgrade- $20/yr:

  • Include your farm logo with your Breeder Directory Listing. You are not only creating a herd/flock, you are creating a brand. Have your farm logo next to your listing so that potential customers will automatically recognize your brand (farm). 

  • Free HoofTrader Listing

Breeder Directory Upgrades

  • To receive a Breeder Listing, you must be current member of either the Kentucky Goat Producers Association or the Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association.



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