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KSWPA Mentors

Whether you are new to sheep or a long time producer, it helps to have someone to call when you have questions.


Below are a list of producers from different types of operations and locations. Feel free to contact them!​


If you have been a sheep producer for at least 5 years and you would like to be a mentor, please enroll here


Mentor Program Guidelines

Rebecca Abbot
Farm: Walnut Cliff Farm
County: Shelby
Operation: Commercial and purebred Royal White
Years in business: 6


Rebecca also has experience with other meat sheep breeds and market lambs for show

Warren Adcock

Farm: Adcock Acre Farm
County: Henry County

Years in business: 29 years

Matthew Chadwick

Farm Name: Chadwick Sheep Company

County: Calloway

Type of Operation: Purebred

Years in Business: 5-10 years


Phone: 270-227-8731

Breeds: Polypay


Grew up raising show goats, after marriage switched to Polypays for their maternal instincts and abilities. I have a passion for the sheep industry and helping others succeed. I am a UK Extension Agent so open and available to talk sheep on most days.

Sue Churchill

Farm: Thistle End Farm
County: Woodford
Operation: Commercial Kathadin
Year in business: 5-10 years



I am so grateful for the two remarkable mentors I had when just starting out, and I would be pleased to be able to help others in the same way.

Sarah Collins

Farm: R and S Farm
County: Logan
Operation: Commercial Dorper and Kathadin
Year in business: 25


BP Davis

Farm: Davis Club Lamb
Location: Montgomery County
Operation: Black face cross ewes and rams
Years in business: Raised sheep for 10 years


Diane Evans

Farm: Briar Patch
County: Fayette
Operation: Hampshire, Suffolk and PolyPay
​Year in business: 8


Sara Evans

Farm: Point Pleasant Farm
County: Clark
Operation: Hampshire/Suffolk cross
Years in business: 7 years


Lance Filiatreau

Farm: Winding Ridge Farm
Location: Washington County
Operation: Commercial and Purebred
Year in business: 7


Phone: 502-507-3361

We have 200 ewes that are pasture based and grain supplemented depending on production stage. We are spring and fall seasons. 

Debbie Gish

Farm: Windfell Farm
Location: Henry County
Operation: Commercial and Purebred
Year in business: 15+


Phone: 5026495564

Dianne & Mike Hellwig

Location: Garrard


Phone: 859-200-2294

Years in Business: 15 years plus

Type of Operation: Commercial, Purebred, Fiber

List breeds you raise: Rambouillets, meat goats

We like to remind new producers that it is important to do your homework about small ruminants.

Rick Lawson

Farm: Winding Ridge Farms
Location: Washington County
Operation: Commercial and Purebred
Year in business: 12


Phone: 502-507-3865

Best way to reach me is by phone.

Bob Leer

Farm: Knott Ewe Farm
Location: Bourbon County
Operation: Club lambs
Year in business: 12


Jim Mansfield

Farm: Four Hills Farm, LLC
Location: Woodford County
Operation: commercial with Katahdin sheep; also buy market lambs from other farms
Years in business: 12


Lindsey Merchant

County: Shelby
Operation: Commercial
Years in business: 10-15 years


Lindsey is in her 20s but has been raising sheep most of her life. She has a degree in animal science from the University of Kentucky. She says she has made plenty of mistakes but has learned from each of those to have a successful flock of 200 PolyPay and Hampshire ewes and is still growing her flock.

Kathy Meyer

Farm: Final Frontier Farm
County: Bourbon
Operation: commercial, Texel crossbreds
Years in business: 37


Kathy sells freezer lambs, hand spinning fleeces, 250 finished lambs

Richard Popham


Phone: (270)945-0747

Farm Name: Circle P Katahdin

County: Meade

Type of Operation: Purebred

List Breeds of Goats and/or Sheep: Katahdins

Years in Business: 5-10 years


I was raised on a cattle and grain farm but was away from it for a few years. When I decided to raise sheep, I didn’t know much about them or anybody who raised them. It was definitely a learning experience. I am happy to pass on any do’s and don’ts I learned along the way. Getting off on the right foot can make a lot of difference.

Madeline Rosenberg

Farm: Ballyhoo Farm
County: Shelby
Operation: Fiber- Shetland, Icelandic, Finn/Cormo
Years in Business: 10


Scott VanSickle

Farm: Antiquity Ridge Farm
Operation: Purebred and club lambs Hampshires
County: Logan
Year in business: 23


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