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KGPA Mentors

Whether you are new to goats or a long time producer, it helps to have someone to call when you have questions.


Below are a list of producers from different types of operations and locations. Feel free to contact them!​


If you have been a goat producer for at least 5 years and you would like to be a mentor, please enroll here


Mentor Program Guidelines

Aubrey Blair


Valley Rest Farm

Warren County

Type of Operation: Commercial

Breeds: Savanna crosses

Years in Business: More than 21 years


Phone: 2707790935

Raise commercial goats for slaughter market. Also Turkish Boz Shepherds for Livestock Guardian dogs.

Dee Daniels



Farm Name: Buck Creek

Barren County

Type of Operation: Commercial

Breeds: Boer, Mini Lamancha

Years in business: 5-10 years

It takes a village to be successful in goat farming.

Kay DeMoss



MKD Lazy Kid Acres

Jessamine County

Type of Operation: Commercial, Dairy, Fiber

Breeds : LaMancha, Angora, Boer, Kiko

Years in Business: 10-15 years

If I don't know something, I'll try to find out or get you in touch with someone that will know.

Cindy Ellsworth



Pulaski County

Type of Operation: Purebred

Breeds: Boer

Years in Business: 5-10 years


I have had a lot of help from veterinarians, other farmers and the small ruminant school and have learned so much through trial and error. I would love to pass any information along that may help another goat farmer.

Clarissa Feeback

Location: Nicholas


Phone: 859-707-8552

Years in Business: 15 years plus

Type of Operation: Commercial, Club Lamb/Kid

List breeds you raise: Boer

My family started with a small herd of commercial boer goats in 2005. We entered the world of 4H/FFA showing in 2019. We are always learning more and happy to share our knowledge about nutrition, healthcare, and general management. Though our kids have aged out of FFA, we are still very involved in the show world by helping other families get started.

Roger Followell


Phone: 8595164709

County: Boyle

Type of Operation: Commercial, Dairy

List breeds you raise:: Nubian, Nigerian, Alpine, Kiko, Boer

Years in Business: 15 years plus

 3 major things a goat needs, Feet care, Parasite control,, Balanced Mineral intake.

Dianne & Mike Hellwig

Location: Garrard


Phone: 859-200-2294

Years in Business: 15 years plus

Type of Operation: Commercial, Purebred, Fiber

List breeds you raise: Rambouillets, meat goats

We like to remind new producers that it is important to do your homework about small ruminants.

Denise Martin


Martin Meadow Farms

Larue County

Type of Operation: Commercial and Purebred

Breeds: Boer

Years in Business: 15

Phone: 270-307-2356


Christina and Jason Morris



Farm Name: Blessed Acres Farm

County: Christian

Type of Operation: Purebred

Breeds: Kiko

Years in Business: 5-10 years


My husband and I started off raising goats as a hobby, but later began a full operation. We currently have 55 breeding does and 3 bucks. We raised registered and commercial kikos. We focus on a forage based operation and utilize rotational grazing. We have used grants through NRCS to help us meet our goals in prescribed grazing.


Jeff Rice



Farm Name:  Hickory Hollow Acres

Bath County

Type of Operation: Commercial

Breeds: Kiko,Savanna,Spanish and registered Myotonics

Years in Business: 5-10 years


We concentrate on parasite resistance and average daily gains in our herd. We use pasture rotation as a tool to achieve these goals. We want our goats to have their best possible life.


Donna Slack



Farm Name: Creative Farms

Boyle County

Type of Operation: Commercial

Breed: Boer

Years of Operation: 11-15 years

I raise goats for meat. Like most beginners I made a lot of mistakes. Ive learned a lot and like to pass it on. I'm also a full time shepherd for Four hills farm. The only dumb question is the one not asked. If I don't know the answer I can find out. I also work very close with a local vet.


Emily Smith



Storm Run Farm

Clark County

Type of Operation: Commercial

Breeds: Boer influenced

Years of Experience: 16-20 years

I raise goats for meat production. Running about 100 head of goats, processing and selling the meat retail locally. I began my goat journey approximately 20 something years ago in 4-H/FFA market goats. Transitioning to commercial goats and moving to farm to table production. We are continuing to grow our herd to meet production goals to keep up with demands. I’m happy to see others producing goats and understand the issues in raising goats and hope to help others learn from my mistakes and difficulties.


Fred and Martha Stein



Emerald Acres

Hardin County

Type of Operation: Commercial

Breed: Boer

Years in Business: 5-10 years

We have been raising Boer Kids for 4H shows for 9 years. We love breeding the strong genetics, watching the goat kids develop, and watching the 4H kids have successful show seasons. We have learned that there are many encounters when raising goats but most can be resolved with the knowledge gained through experience. The goats that don't make the show season still bring a good price on the commercial market. We have thoroughly enjoyed our 9 years of raising goats.


Vicki Watson


Watson Farm Kikos and Savannah

Logan County

Type of Operation: Commercial and Purebred

Breeds: Kiko and Savannah

Years in Business: 13

Phone: 270-772-2258

Comments: I enjoy helping new producers! 


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