Nutrition is the #1 most important part of your small ruminant operation. Understanding basic physiology, feed stuffs, nutrient requirements, and ration balancing are key components to managing your feed bill. This course includes: 1) Digestive Physiology 2) Cud Chewing 3) Digestion of Feedstuffs 4) Rumen Reticulum Development 5) How to Read a Mineral Tag 6) How to Read a Feed Tag 7) Nutrient Requirements of Sheep 8) Nutrient Requirements of Goats 9) Nutrient Requirements Based on Stage of Production 10) Amount of Nutrients Required By Sheep Per Day 11) Meeting the Nutrient Needs in Late Gestation 12) Alfalfa and Grain Mix Ration for Late Gestation 13) Introduction to Ration Balancing 14) Part 1: Predicting Dry Matter Intake 15) Part 2: Determining if Nutrient Requirements Are Met 16) Part 3: Nutrient Content of Fresh Forage 17) Part 4: Grazier's Math 18) Part 5: Concentrate Feeds 19) Part 6: Analyzing Feed Costs 20) Part 7: Feeding Kids 21) Part 8: Determining Cost of Gain 22) Feed Ration Spreadsheet- utilize these spreadsheets to create and balance rations using feedstuffs available to you.
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